Make sure you have enough space on drive for a copy.
Now create a copy of the particular file to your Google Drive folder by Right clicking the File > Make a copy.
Go back to your Google Drive and find the shared file that you want to download.
Once you open the link the file will be shared with your Google Drive account.
Now open the link of the file saved or shared in Google Drive.
Open Google Drive and sign in with your Google Account.
You can use your phone, but the PC will be convenient. Make sure you use a computer for this method. To still download a file that throws up the downloaded quota exceeded warning here’s what you have to do. Bypassing Google Drive download limit message So let’s now see how you can bypass Google Drive download limit for shared files. If a number of users already download the Google Drive file in a day, then you will receive the Download quota exceed error. But the most common reason that cause this error is because of download bandwidth. The resolution depends on many different reasons. How to Bypass Google Drive Download Limit You have to look no more as here you will know the working method. Well sort of, you have to follow some workarounds to download the file from Google Drive even if it gives the download quota exceeded error. But the question is can we bypass the Google Drive download limit. It’s a common issue that many of us face eventually.